Industry News

Irish Transport 28% Less Productive Than European Peers: Exploring New Industry Report

July 18, 2024

The Nevin Economic research institute (NERI) recently published "Productivity in Ireland’s Domestically-Owned Market Economy: a Comparative Survey". In this report, they demonstrated that Ireland's productivity is, across the board, below average compared to similar countries.

You can read the full report on their website.

Land transport, in particular, was cited as being a key offender, with Irish haulage companies being just about 28% less efficient than their European peers; like Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands etc.

Excerpt from "Productivity in Ireland’s Domestically-Owned Market Economy: a Comparative Survey"

Irish transport companies are being left behind, being outperformed by Europeans getting more done with the same amount of man hours.

This inefficiencies translate to higher costs, missed deadlines, and ultimately, a loss of competitive edge. So what can we do about it? Let's delve into the potential causes of this inefficiency and explore solutions that can help bridge this efficiency gap.

Irish Infrastructure:

Ireland's road network might not be keeping pace with growing demand. Traffic congestion, poorly maintained roads, and a lack of strategic investment can significantly slow down deliveries. Other infrastructure issues like phone service and internet are also something I’m sure everyone reading this has their own story about. There isn’t much we can do in this area as individuals – its more important to focus on the changes we can make to our own business.


Possible Culprits: Why Irish Haulage Needs a Boost

Outdated Fleet Management:

Many Irish haulage companies still rely on traditional methods for managing their fleets. Paper diaries, phone calls, stacks of folders and files hold back communication.

Irish haulage companies are stuck in the past, relying on paper-based processes and outdated software. Paper diaries, phone calls, stacks of folders and overcomplicated excel spreadsheets hold back communication and are a nightmare for efficiency.

The tech gap:

This tech gap creates inefficiencies across the board. Imagine this: Digital solutions replace mountains of paperwork, streamlining communication and record-keeping. Advanced algorithms that optimize routes based on real-time traffic, weather conditions, and delivery windows.  Electronic Proof of Delivery (ePOD) captures customer signatures with sign on glass, photos, and vital delivery details. The result? Faster invoicing, a dramatic reduction in paperwork headaches, and enhanced visibility into your entire operation.

But the benefits go beyond reducing administrative overhead. These same technologies can analyze historical data to reduce empty miles, optimize routes for maximum efficiency, and improve fleet utilization by ensuring your trucks are never sitting idle.

What we can do:

Smarter management with technology:

Invest in a robust TMS. This software can streamline operations, optimize routes, and track deliveries in real-time. With a TMS you can plan your work ahead of time, using data to utilize your fleet effectively. Minimize admin overhead by tracking compliance in a central database.

Leverage Data Analytics:

Don't underestimate the power of data! Transport companies naturally collect heaps of useful data just through every day work - in/out times, GPS information, tyre data, fuel costs, it’s all there. The problem is pulling reports and working this data into actionable insights. With Stratum, our system collects and delivers these reports to you automatically - giving you critical visibility into your margins, efficiency and running costs.

Get visibility:

Without real-time data making informed decisions becomes a guessing game. This lack of data transparency can lead to delays and missed opportunities for optimization. A centralized system, like Stratum TMS, means everyone sees what they need to see. With Stratum, our centralized approach to data means the whole team works together and jobs only need to get done once. Drivers have a direct line to the office with our app, InCabPro. Jobs in Stratum track POD's and and generate invoices with 1 click. 2-way communication between garage and the rest of the team means nothing gets missed. Don't bottleneck your productivity by trapping information in people's heads or on scraps of paper.

Empower your team:

Setting procedures and standardisation of work give clear task-lists and ensures all the work gets done. Setting a standard for work to be carried out by your staff, ensuring the highest quality across the business.

By embracing technology, leveraging data, and advocating for improved infrastructure, Irish haulage companies can bridge the efficiency gap and become leaders in the European market. At Stratum, we understand the challenges faced by Irish hauliers. Our industry leading TMS is designed to address these very issues, helping you optimize routes, manage your fleet effectively, and gain a competitive edge.

Don’t let your business get left behind.

Contact us today and see how our TMS can help you achieve peak efficiency!


Important to note...

The report covers the years of 2017 – 2019, to avoid the impact of COVID.  This ignores any changes to Irish productivity due to recent changes to UK trade post-Brexit – the reality of productivity right now, today, is probably even worse as hauliers shipping containers to the UK drown in paperwork, fiddling with PBN’s, GMR’s and everything else.

If you’re dealing with the new regulations and looking to boost efficiency – we’ve got you covered with industry specific solutions for hauling containers as well as our new Port Automation for automatically generating customs declaration documents.

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