Why Stratum

Ditch the Spreadsheets

If your haulage company is still using spreadsheets to manage your transport operations, it's time to rethink your strategy.
While spreadsheets may be useful for some tasks, relying on them to manage your entire transport management system can hold your company back in several ways.

Contact our transport experts today!
Growing pains

Spreadsheets are holding your business back

A larger fleet and heavier workload demands so much more than a simple family run operation. You may be experiencing bottlenecks, delays, and inefficiencies that were not there before. As your business grows, the three 3 big problems that come from spreadsheets become hard to ignore.

Duplicating, Triplicating the work
Simple jobs being made difficult as information moves from sheet to sheet.
No reporting,
no visibility
No realtime view of your costs and margins, no idea about your targets or KPI's.
not flowing
Stratum organizes everything in one central system, eliminating tedious everyday paper-chasing.
Manual entry

Stop creating work for yourself

Using spreadsheets can result in duplication of work, which can be both time-consuming and prone to errors. Inconsistencies and inaccuracies arise as information gets "lost in translation" moving from sheet to sheet. Stratum eliminates this problem by automatically consolidating data from various sources, including your dispatch system, GPS trackers, and driver logs, into a single database.
There's no point doing the same work over and over again, it's just wasting time and causing problems.

Office desk with laptop covered by post it papers

Don't hold your data hostage

If you don't know how your business is doing, how can you be expected to make decisions? Stratum gives you that visibility and allows for effective communication within the team.

See real-time margins
Keep a pulse on your profits and protect your margins. Know your return on a job before it happens and plan with your bottom line in mind.
Control tyre costs
Automate your reports
Streamline your workflow by scheduling detailed reports. Receive essential information regularly without manual effort—whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly.
Uncover your costs
Understand where your resources are allocated, from fuel to maintenance, and start making smarter decisions.
Garage management
Intuitive Workflow

Stratum is built around
your needs

Assigning orders and creating invoices manually is a time consuming process. Excel is cheap and easy to set up but relying on slow manual work to keep the business moving is more costly than it seems. Time is money, why waste it on admin work that can be done in Stratum with one click. Invoice faster, assign jobs with templates, and enjoy a system designed around making your life easier.

All-in-one system

Using spreadsheets, keeping everyone on the same page is impossible. With our centralized database, Stratum keeps everybody "singing off the same hymn sheet". Streamline your communication and delegation with up to date information and instant reporting - ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goals.

An import and export firm driver posing with trucks and smiling at the camera.

Hear our customers' stories

"Stratum provide expertise, continuous product development and customer service that is second to none. I could not recommend Stratum highly enough."
Enda Watters
GM - Strandvaus
“Stratum continue to innovate and satisfy our growing needs to meet the ever changing demands required by our customers. Streamlining our administration and control.”
Michael Dixon
MD - Dixon Intenational
"South Coast has realized substantial savings in daily man hours for office staff, and greater efficiency in dealing with customer queries - We are delighted to have Stratum on board”
Con Lawlor
Operations director - South Coast
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See your businesses grow by working smarter.

Get in contact with our team. See how Stratum can help by streamlining your processes and eliminating unnecessary steps.

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